Emblem of Roto "Slime Mania" By Shamus Kelley "So guys were are supposed to go?" Kira asked as he, Arus, and Lunafura walked in the woods. "Well we should try to head for the nearest city," Lunafura said. "So where is this city?" Arus said looking hopeful. "Well I don't know actually," Lunafura said as she scratched her head. "What!!!!!" Kira yelled as he fell to the ground. "I'm so hungry," Kira said as he held his stomach tightly. "Why did we not bring any food along?" Arus said looking puzzled. "Well you guys were so ready to leave Gran never had time to pack food for us," Lunafura said as she looked away from the two. "It was not our fault," the two yelled. "Well who's fault was it? Lunafura said. "Uh..." both of them said looking at each other. "That's what I thought," Lunafura said. "Hey guys look," Arus said pointing to a tree. "Apples!!!!" all three of them said with their mouths wide open. "Let's go," Kira said as he ran towards the tree. Suddenly out of nowhere five slimes blocked Kira's way. "Hey move it," Kira said sounding very angry. "This is are tree and no one shall eat from it except us," the slimes all said in unison. "Well to bad," Kira said pulling out is sword. "Kira back off we can find some place else to eat," Arus said as he and Lunafura walked up. "No way," Kira said pushing them back. "Those apples are mine," Kira said running as he ran at the slimes. "Get him," one of the slimes yelled as all of them attacked Kira. "Ah!!!!" Kira yelled as a cloud of smoke came around the slimes and him. "We've got help him," Arus said pulling out his sword. "Yeah," Lunafura said as she pulled out her spear. "Stop talking and help me!!!" Kira yelled as his head popped out of the cloud for a second. Then Arus and Lunafura joined the cloud as they both drove the slimes away from Kira. Kira lied on the ground looking up at the sky thinking, " How could I get beaten by five slimes." (Authors Note: If you've never played Dragon Warrior before then you should know that slime is first and the weakest monster in the game.) Later Kira was just staring up at the sky as he held the bandages Lunafura put on him. "Man that must have affected him pretty badly," Arus said as he looked at Kira. "Well he'll get over it but in the meantime we still don't have any food," Lunafura said worryingly. "Well I'll go look for some food," Arus said picking up his sword and walking off. "Right," Lunafura said as she started to fall asleep. Without her knowing Kira slipped threw the night looking for the tree. When the sun began to rise he finally saw it. Before he could reach it the five slimes came out of nowhere again. "You again," they all said. "Yeah me," Kira said pointing at himself. "Leave of suffer the consequences," the slimes yelled. "Oh yeah, well take this," Kira yelled as he ran at the slimes. He then began to slice and dice all five of the slimes. "What's going on?" Lunafura said as she finally found Kira. "Wha?!" Lunafura said as her mouth dropped opened as she saw Kira practically murdering the slimes. He then kicked the last one out of the way of the tree. "There all for us," Kira said as he hugged the tree. "Now all we have to do is get them down," Lunafura said as she surveyed the tree. "I can't reach the apples," Kira said trying to reach for one of the apples. "I can't reach any either," Lunafura said. "Well then I'll just have to cut them down," Kira said as he brandished his sword. "Wait a sec Kira don't do anything stupid," Lunafura said as she held out her hand. Kira then began to chop down the tree without stopping. "Great," Lunafura said as she hit her head. "Come on fall down you stupid tree," Kira yelled as every swing of his sword released his anger into the tree. "Hey guys I found some berries and..." Arus said just as he saw the huge tree begin to fall. "Ah!!!!!!!!!!" Arus yelled as he ran away from the falling tree. As all the smoke cleared Kira stood onto the tree and said, "I feel so much better now." "I have concurred the tree," Kira yelled as he held his sword up high. Then he fell off the tree into the mud. "Ugg," Kira said as he rolled over in the mud. "You okay?" Arus said as he helped him up. "Yes, just fine," Kira said smiling. "I still can't believe you chopped this tree down man," Arus said as he and Lunafura were putting all the apples together. "Yeah," Kira said puffing out his chest. "Why don't you help?" Lunafura said as she picked up another apple. "Well you guys are doing so well I didn't want to stop your great routine," Kira said sarcastically. "Right," Arus said. "So what are we going to put these in?" Lunafura said as she stood up. "Well... hey look there's a bag in that tree," Arus said as he pointed towards a tree. "I am not doing that again," Kira said as he sat on the ground. "Well someone has to do it," Lunafura said. "You do it," Arus said pointing at Lunafura. "No you," Lunafura said pointing at Arus. "No way," Arus said as Kira rubbed his nose and he and Lunafura argued the rest of the day. To be continued.......