Emblem of Roto "A Big Change" By Shamus Kelley "There's the entrance to the town!!!!" Kira yelled as he jumped up high. "Yes," the whole group yelled. Then the whole group ran into the town. "Look at all the stores," Kadalu said as they all looked around. Then Kira sat down on a bench as he said, "Man all that running made me tired." "Me too," both Arus and Kadalu said as they also sat down. "Well guys I'm going to buy a few things," Lunafura said as she walked away. "You think she'll waste our money?" Kadalu said to Arus. "Well since it's mostly yours probley not. I mean she not like that," Arus said. "What is wrong with this stupid armor?" Jyagan as he kicked the armor in Dragon Kings fortress. Then as he kicked it flew across the room. "Why did it not work last time?" Jyagan yelled as he kicked the wall. "Stupid armor," he yelled as he hit the armor. Strangely the armor wasn't moving away from him. "What?!" Jyagan said as he moved his hand away from the armor. Then he saw some blood on the armor. "That's it, putting blood on it must make be able to wear it." Jyagan aid as looked at the armor. "You, Madcat monster come here," he said as he motioned to the monster that looked like a huge cheetah. "Hold still," he yelled as cut open part of the Madcat. It's blood then began to go allover the armor. "Yes," he yelled as he put on the armor, which was now blood red. "Madcat before you die, attack Arus and his friends," Jyagan said to the Madcat. "Yes, master," It said as it walked off. (Authors Note: Monsters can lose all lot of blood before dying, but they will eventually die.) "Well how do you like it?" Lunafura said as she walked up to the guys. "Like what?" Arus said as he looked up at Lunafura. Then his eyes went wide with shock. Lunafura now wore a Reddish, Pinkish outfit with her hair now tied in two buns on the top off her head. "How did you do that," Kira said, as he looked amazed. "Oh, I didn't do it some guy did my hair, and another one made me this outfit," she said as she looked at the guys. "How much did it cost?" Arus asked. "Just 1200 gold," she said with a smile. "That was all of are money," all three of the guys yelled. "But I thought you guys would like it," Lunafura said as she smiled at the group. "Now we can't buy any food," Kira and Kadalu said with a sob. "Don't we still have apples," Lunafura said trying to sound reassuring. "Oh yeah," Arus said as he rushed towards the bag. Then as he dumped everything out of the bag all he saw were apple cores. "What?!" Arus yelled. Then Arus and Lunafura looked at Kira. "I only had five," Kira said looking innocent. Then all three of them looked at Kadalu. "I was hungry," he said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Uggh," Arus said as he sat on the bench. "What else could go wrong?" Arus said, as he didn't notice all the people running into their homes. Then out of nowhere the Madcat ran towards the group. "Arus look!" Kira yelled as he pointed at the Madcat. Then the Madcat sent Kira down. "Why me?" Kira said. "It's one of Dragon King's monsters," Kadalu said as he indicated a small mark on the Madcat. "Let's take out," Arus yelled as he pulled out his sword. "Oh no, Kira!" Lunafura yelled as the Madcat ran at Kira again. Then Lunafura pulled out her spear ran at the Madcat. "Wait!!" Arus yelled at Lunafura. "Take this," Lunafura yelled as she threw her spear at the Madcat. The Madcat then stopped running at Kira and started to run at Lunafura. "Oh no," Lunafura said as the Madcat ran at her. Right before the Madcat ran into Lunafura a huge shield surrounded her. "What?!" Lunafura said as she spun around. She then saw Kadalu holding out his hand with a strange beam coming out. "Thanks," Lunafura said. Then the Madcat began to get up from hitting the shield. "Take this!!!" Arus and Kira yelled as they brought their swords down on the Madcat. "Ahhhhhh!!!!!!" it yelled as it reared in pain. "Time to finish it," Lunafura yelled as she drove her spear into the Madcat. Then the Madcat lay on the ground, dead. "We did it," Kadalu yelled. "Thank you," a voice said behind him. He turned around to see a man behind him. "Our town owes you thanks for helping us. In return we will give you anything our town has to offer," the man said to Lunafura as she walked up with Arus and Kira. "Well," she said. Later the group walked out of town with three bags of food, which Kadalu did not carry. "That was sure nice of them to give us this food," Kira said as looked at this bag of food," "Why can't I carry a bag," Kadalu said sounding sad. "He asks why," Arus said. "Well then fighting that Madcat was worth it," Kira said. "You know I noticed something about it," Kadalu said. "What?" Arus said. "Well I've fought Madcats before but they were always much more stronger. "Well I noticed it had a big wound on its side," Arus said. "I wonder were it came from?" Lunafura said. "It came from me," a voice yelled. "What was that?" Arus said. Then out of a tree came Jyagan with Roto's armor completely red. "What have you done to the armor?" Kadalu yelled. "Nothing much, just made it so I could were it," Jyagan said as he laughed. "Be ready for anything," Arus yelled as he pulled out his sword. "Right," Lunafura and Kira said as they to pulled out their weapons. "I won't lose this time," Jyagan said as he pulled out his gold sword. Arus then just stood there waiting for Jyagan to attack. To be continued...